A Summer Break and Taking My Own Advice

A beautiful, cloud filled morning gave way to rain just a little bit ago.  Though, as I look out the window of my apartment it would seem that the rain has moved on to be replaced again by the sun.  I finally found some time after work to sit down by the apartment complex swimming pool.  Things have been so busy lately, it was nice to take a short break from the heat to enjoy the water.

I love watching the clouds float by.  Photos from my phone do not do the sun shining through the clouds anything like justice.

I love watching the clouds float by. Photos from my phone do not do the sun shining through the clouds anything like justice.

I have been thinking quite a bit over the last few days about ways to make the next couple of months less stressful.  Our move to Rochester is coming up at the end of August.  Each weekend we have traveled down to the house to get as much done as possible.  The basement has been mostly emptied and plumbing work has begun on both a second bathroom, as well as improvements to the laundry room.  The attic has also been emptied so that the complete rewiring of the house can be finished.  Nothing like seeing frayed wiring to make you grateful that you caught a fire hazard before it becomes a problem.

All in all, I have decided that I am going to take a little break from the way that I have been blogging.  Don’t fear.  I won’t be disappearing.  I will, however, be limiting myself to shorter posts, most likely lots of house updates.

Once we are all moved into the house there will be all kinds of good things coming to the blog.  This fall theovereducatedgirl.com will be up and running.  The new website will have links to my other various social media sites, as well as plans for the future of this blog.

I hope you all have an excellent summer.  Stay cool out there.  Take time to relax.  Read a good book.  Sit by a campfire with friends.  I am going to do my best to accomplish all of those things along with making it through a summer of home projects and moving.  Summer is the time to sit back and not worry as much.  This is me attempting to take my own advice for once.

Summer is the time to do fun things with friends, such as mini golf.  If you can pose as hazards on the course for your friends to putt around, well, all the better. (Pictured: John Harrison, Sheryl Raygor, and of course, me.) Photo courtesy of Deb Paley.

Summer is the time to do fun things with friends, such as mini golf. If you can pose as hazards on the course for your friends to putt around, well, all the better. (Pictured: John Harrison, Sheryl Raygor, and of course, me.) Photo courtesy of Deb Paley.